A Concurrent Resolution recognizing the legendary status of F. L. Holton Jr

I have copied the document in entirety.
RESOLUTION NO. 50 By: Corn, Adelson, Aldridge, Anderson, Ballenger, Barrington, Bass, Bingman, Branan, Brogdon, Brown, Burrage, Coates, Coffee, Crain, Crutchfield, Easley, Eason McIntyre, Ellis, Ford, Garrison, Gumm, Halligan, Ivester, Johnson (Constance), Johnson (Mike), Jolley, Justice, Lamb, Laster, Leftwich, Lerblance, Marlatt, Mazzei, Myers, Newberry, Nichols, Paddack, Reynolds, Rice, Russell, Schulz, Sparks, Stanislawski, Sweeden, Sykes, Wilson and Wyrick of the Senate
Brannon, Armes, Auffet, Bailey, Banz, Benge, Billy, Blackwell, Brown, Buck, Cannaday, Carey, Christian, Collins, Coody, Cooksey, Cox, Dank, Denney, Derby, DeWitt, Dorman, Duncan, Enns, Faught, Fields, Glenn, Hamilton, Harrison, Hickman, Hilliard, Holland, Hoskin, Inman, Jackson, Jett, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Joyner, Kern, Key, Kiesel, Kirby, Kouplen, Lamons, Liebmann, Luttrell, Martin (Scott), Martin (Steve), McAffrey, McCullough, McDaniel (Jeannie), McDaniel (Randy), McNiel, McPeak, Miller, Moore, Morgan, Morrissette, Murphey, Nations, Nelson, Ortega, Osborn, Ownbey, Peters, Peterson, Pittman, Proctor, Pruett, Renegar, Reynolds, Richardson, Ritze, Roan, Rousselot, Russ, Sanders, Schwartz, Scott, Sears, Shannon, Shelton, Sherrer, Shoemake, Shumate, Smithson, Steele, Sullivan, Terrill, Thompson, Thomsen, Tibbs, Trebilcock, Walker, Watson, Wesselhoft, Williams, Wright (Harold) and Wright (John) of the House
A Concurrent Resolution recognizing the legendary status of F. L. Holton Jr.; mourning his loss; and directing distribution.
WHEREAS, F. L. Holton Jr. was born in Cameron, Oklahoma, on November 10, 1919, the son of F. L. Holton Sr. and Eva Holton. He graduated from Poteau High School in 1937 and was awarded a degree in Business Administration from Oklahoma A&M College in 1941; and
WHEREAS, a veteran of World War II, F. L. Holton Jr. served four years in the Army Air Corps. He entered as a private, attended Officer Candidate School at Yale University, served in a B-17 group, attended contract school at Harvard University, and then served as a contract officer assigned to aircraft plants. He was discharged as a captain in 1946; and
WHEREAS, after the war F. L. Holton Jr. returned to Poteau, Oklahoma, and joined his father in expanding the family businesses, which would include a supermarket, hardware and furniture store, department store, retail feed store, and automobile dealerships. As manager of the Holton General Merchandise store, he expanded the retail operation from a 3,500 square-foot general merchandise store to 45,000 square feet in four locations. At one time, Holton-owned businesses accounted for ten percent of the total sales tax collected in LeFlore County. He served as President of Holton Stores; and
WHEREAS, F. L. Holton Jr. operated a large cow-calf operation and pioneered the development of the poultry industry in Eastern Oklahoma. By 1952, he was producing two million broilers and 40,000 turkeys each year. His cow-calf operation was located on his 10,000 acre ranch northeast of Poteau, Oklahoma. In 1956, F. L. founded Holton Mills to manufacture feed for the cattle and chicken industries. He served as President of Holton Cattle Company, and his agricultural endeavors were located in three counties: Ellis and LeFlore in Oklahoma and Hansford County in Texas; and
WHEREAS, in 1954, F. L. Holton Jr. was named to the Board of Directors of Central National Bank in Poteau. In 1967, he became Vice President; and in 1978, he was elected Chairman. Since that time, the bank has grown from $34 million to more than $150 million and continually ranks as one of the highest-performing banks in Oklahoma. In 2004, he was inducted into the Oklahoma Bankers Association's 50-Year Club, denoting individuals who have devoted 50 years or more of their lives to banking careers; and
WHEREAS, F. L. Holton Jr. served in leadership positions in the Poteau Rotary Club, the Poteau Chamber of Commerce, the Poteau Industrial Authority, the United Fund, and the Eastern Oklahoma Historical Society. His knowledge about LeFlore County’s history was encyclopedic. In 1990, he was selected for the Rotary International Paul Harris Award; and in 1992, he was the first recipient of the Poteau Lifetime Contribution Award; and
WHEREAS, F. L. Holton Jr. was a charter member of the Board of Regents of Carl Albert State College, formed in 1971. He was both the oldest and longest-serving regent in the state. In 1993, F. L. Holton Jr. was inducted into the Carl Albert State College Hall of Fame. In 1997, his family established the F. L. Holton Endowed Professorship. The Carl Albert State College Business Center is named in his honor. During his tenure on the Board of Regents, the school's enrollment grew from 200 students to more than 2,400; and
WHEREAS, F. L. Holton Jr. also served for 20 years on the Board of Trustees for Phillips University, serving as Chairman for four years. He was a charter member of the Board of Governors for the Oklahoma State University Development Foundation, serving for 19 years with two terms on their Executive Committee. He also served for 20 years as a College of Business Associate at Oklahoma State University. F. L. Holton Jr. was inducted into the Oklahoma State University College of Business Hall of Fame; and in 1990, he was honored with the OSU Alumni Service Award; and
WHEREAS, F. L. Holton Jr. was an active member of the First Christian Church of Poteau. He served as an Elder, Board Chairman and taught Sunday School classes. He served as Vice President of the Oklahoma Christian Men’s Fellowship and was named Layman of the Year for Oklahoma Christian Churches; and
WHEREAS, F. L. Holton Jr. died at his home in Poteau, Oklahoma, on Sunday, November 15, 2009, at the age of 90 years.
THAT the Oklahoma State Legislature recognizes the late F. L. Holton Jr. for his philanthropy, business sense, and civic involvement that made him a legend in Eastern Oklahoma.
THAT the Oklahoma State Legislature mourns the loss of this native Oklahoman whose accomplishments were vital in the development of Eastern Oklahoma.
THAT a copy of this resolution be distributed to F. L. Holton Jr.’s wife, Genevieve; daughters, Lynda Lynch and Deborah Gentry; son, Steve; and sister, Lois Blasdel.
Adopted by the Senate the 12th day of April, 2010.
Presiding Officer of the Senate
Adopted by the House of Representatives the 26th day of May, 2010.
Presiding Officer of the House
of Representatives
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